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OPG X-ray Services in Delhi

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Also known as Dental Radiographs, OPG X-ray helps dentists evaluate an individual's oral health and diagnose dental issues at an initial stage. We provide OPG X-ray service at our Diagnostics center in Delhi at a fair cost.

What is an OPG X-ray?

X-rays take pictures of bones and other parts inside the body. An OPG is a panoramic X-ray of the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth. The OPG unit is designed to rotate around the patient's head during its 20 seconds scan.

To see the followings, An OPG test is performed

  • Fractures
  • Dentition
  • Dislocated jaw
  • Infection
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Types of Dental X-Rays

It has two parts

  • Intraoral X-Rays
  • Extraoral X-Rays

Benefits of an OPG

  • Painless, fast, and easy Preparation
  • No special preparation is required.
  • The procedure is simple, hassle-free, and quick
  • An image of the broad anatomic region is generated
  • Leave all jewelry and valuables at home
  • There is no overlapping of facial bones
  • A lesser amount of radiation is used with just around 20 seconds of Scan


To make an appointment, please call our office directly or fill out the form below

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